Dimensional Preserved Lumber Is in Short Supply
In the past six months, the supply of dimensional treated wood has been in high demand within the North American market.
We’ve been blown away by the request for information for wood treating equipment that would treat under 20 million board feet per year.
The largest reason is that existing wood treating facilities (that normally TSO’d for 3rd party resellers) have evaporated in order to fill their normal production schedules. This has left the 3rd parties looking for additional sources of preserved wood.
The Solution? Our Entry-Level Wood Treating Equipment
We answered the call, asked how we could reduce the cost of entry into the wood preservation market, and designed some new equipment to fulfill that need.
Welcome to our Entry-Level Wood Treating Plant!
This easy-to-install system is designed to fit into a compact space and produce up to 17,000,000 board feet of preserved wood per year!
Entry-Level Equipment Benefits
- A footprint of 38’ in width by 98’ in length is all the space needed for this equipment.
- It’s designed to work with today’s water-based wood preservatives, including CCA, CA-C, ACQ, and micronized copper wood preservatives.
- The treating cylinder has a quick-opening door, so turnaround of the autoclave takes a minimum amount of time.
- A pre-assembled track system is provided outside the autoclave. The track system includes a drip pan to catch and collect any wood preservative that drips from the wood after it has been treated in the treating cylinder.
- It’s automated and comes pre-assembled so you can install the equipment with minimal labor and get to treating wood in the shortest time possible.
- The equipment is sized to fit on standard size flat and drop deck shipping trailers. This allows easy shipment within the United States, Mexico, and the Caribbean.
- It’s easy to relocate! The design of the equipment allows for easy disassembly so you can relocate the equipment with minimal effort.

Author: Jeffrey Lippincott